You can now receive text notifications for events! Change your notification settings and add a phone number to get started.

Welcome to Fill and Fire!

Fill and Fire is being developed by a group of passionate gamers who want to make signing up and attending in-person gaming events a whole lot easier.

Here's how it works:

  1. Search for events in your area.

  2. Attach a secure payment account through Stripe and reserve seats in any number of events.

  3. Receive notification when your seat and the event are both confirmed (enough players have reserved a spot).

  4. Attend your event. You will only be charged if the event successfully fires, and you will not be charged if you cancel your reservation in advance.

It’s that simple! Go ahead and search for an event now to get started.

Questions or other input? Email us at any time. We'd love to hear from you!

Do you own or operate a games store?

Good news! We're actively seeking partners to participate in our limited private beta for our services. Signups are currently by invite only, but we'd love to hear from you and see if there's a way that we can help you run more events, with fewer headaches, and happier customers!

Learn more about Fill and Fire™ for Shopkeepers here.

*Fill and Fire™ is © 2018-2024 Stable Horizons, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Product and company names are registered trademarks of their original owners. *

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